Saturday, October 4, 2014

Not Talking But Talking

The way I found this quote is a really bland story. But, I'm going to tell you anyways. I went on chrome and looked up quotes in images. I saw tumblr quotes, thought "I love tumblr," then clicked on it. Next I saw friendship quotes and I thought "well I was just hanging out with some friends so that should work." Boring I know, but I think it is semi-relevant to what this quote is about.

"The best kind of friendship is the kind you sit with, never say a word and walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had."
                                - Steven Wright 

I may not talk to one of my bestfriends/sister that much, but when we do talk it can last up until our phones drain from 80% to 5%. Yes, we go to different schools. And, yes we do know each other in really life. (In fact I have known this tall blonde since I was born. I'm really not kidding. I was born and she was in her mom's womb.) But, she is a ski racer and I'm a softball player, so when she is busy I'm free and when I'm busy she is free. It is amazing, I just love it. *eye roll* 

We don't really have to talk to understand each other. I know so typical of a girl to claim that, but it is true. . . . . I think. She looks at me and I just know she is plotting an evil scheme to take over the world . . . . .  I'm kidding. I know she just wants chocolate and maybe to take over the world but that completely and totally comes second to chocolate. 

I will walk into her house and she just throws a pillow at me and telling me its too early in the morning for me to be functioning. For more than half the day we won't really talk. We'll just read a book or watch a show on our own. 'Cause all that really matters to us is that we are together and that we have each other. I'll leave and I don't feel like I just wasted the whole day doing nothing, cause I did nothing with my soul sister. 

I don't really know if anyone else has a friendship like that. Where you can just laying in bed doing nothing, not even talking, but, yet, somehow feel like you are talking. I will never understand how that works, but it does. It may sound crazy if it is taken out of context. Please tell me I'm not the only one that feels that this does happen? I don't mean to come across as a creep. 

Me and my best-friend in Hawaii for vacation. Hint: she's the beautiful one. 

p.s. Go listen to this song. My soul sister loves it for some reason. 

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